History Makers

Saturday, April 3, 2010 7:22 PM Posted by Michelle
History Makers
Kris Vallotton

Every so often in the course of history there are individuals born who defy common reason and statistical explanation. These are the great ones, who break the tether of their generation’s expectations and rise to the high call that seems to echo from somewhere beyond the grave.The prophets of old peered into the future and spoke of these violent ones who would force their way into the Kingdom, take hold of Heaven and pull it down to earth. These reigning saints refuse to have their exploits be a mere reflection of the past, but instead break the gravitational barriers of naysayers and doubters, and journey far beyond the boundaries of reason into places where no one has ever gone before. Ultimately they capture the prize of the upward call of God that lies in Christ Jesus. These are God’s history makers, the Lord’s chosen people, His mighty men, His holy nation.Many of us can feel the vacuum of this vortex drawing our hearts into this divine destiny. We find our inner man longing, stirring, and burning for the great adventure. Live or die, we must press through the walls of mediocrity and find the Promised Land of our souls. We live with a passion to be numbered among those who have gained fame in the halls of Heaven and are feared among the prison guards of hell. If we are going to walk as God’s ruling royalty, we have to:
➢ Pray unceasingly➢ Give sacrificially➢ Dream unreasonably➢ Serve wholeheartedly➢ Love unashamedly➢ Walk innocently ➢ Believe undoubtingly➢ Live powerfully
These are the qualities of the Bride of Christ in all of her glory. She is called to be the most creative force on the face of the earth. Therefore, we must not allow ourselves to become known for our boxes, that is, famous for what we don’t do because of our “righteous”constrictions. Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin had certain moral values that restrained their behavior, but they were famous for what they did, not for what they didn’t do! It would be tragic if the most creative people on the face of the earth allowed themselves to be reduced to rent-a-cops guarding a box (The Ark of the Covenant) that God vacated 2,000 years ago. The truth is that if we don’t take our rightful place in the earth, we will relegate sinners, void of the mind of Christ, barred from the wisdom of the ages, and wandering in utter darkness, to being the most brilliant minds of our time! If the brightest light in this world belonged to those locked in darkness, how great would the darkness be in our world? Something is fundamentally wrong with this picture, but this is our brain on religion. Religion is like kryptonite to Superman. Religion can conform the most righteous, reigning saints into mindless zombies, puppets repeating someone else’s convictions they don’t even understand themselves.

2 Response to "History Makers"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I liked this post, I really did. The only objection I have with it is aligning Benjamin Franklin along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as models of men who "had certain moral values that restrained their behavior". Although Franklin was a brilliant man and did help model our wonderful United States government, he was a womanizer and carouser, especially while serving as our Ambassador to France. Just a thought on true history.

    What a great point - and what a true statement - that we tend to look at the movers and shakers of this world and sort of ignore the state of their soul. I wish more Christians would use the attitude you shared when deciding to whom they should give honor. Well done.

  2. Unknown Says:

    We can be history makers is we the body of Christ will wake up out of our sleep and do as God has called us to do and reach the lost with the truth of the Gospel and reach out to those who are hurting and allow Gods light to shine through us for others to see because it could be the only Jesus they will see is the Jesus in you and the Jesus in me.We must always keep in mind no matter where we are someone is always watching us to see if we live out Gods word as we say we do to see if we are the real deal or if we are just pretending.This world is getting darker everyday and if we dont let Gods light shine through us then we wouldnt have done as He has called us to.I know alot of people are scared and dont know what to say to others to share their faith i know because i dealt with that a long time myself it just takes placeing all your faith and trust in God and knowing He wont leave you with nothing to say He will fill your mouth with the right words to say at the right time just trust Him and allow Him to lead and guide you into all truth.Thats how i got over it and got to the place where i trusted God and let Him lead and guide me and i started shareing my faith and soon after that i got to where i would be on the look out for someone to tell about Jesus.A few weeks ago i was in a CVS and i seen this woman sitting down and she was in pain her leg was hurting her realy bad and she was picking up some medicane for the pain and i was going to leave and God told me go pray for her and i will heal her so i asked her if i could pray with her and she said yes so i prayed for her and was talking to her and she saw the cross neckless i had on and told me she had crosses before but had lost them so i gave her mine and she was so happy and she showed the casher the cross i gave her and she told me it made her day me praying for her and giving her my cross and it blessed me so much knowing i made her happy and prayed for her and giving her my cross. its such a blessing to me just to know that something that may seem small can make such a difference in someones life.so to those of you who are dealing with the samething as i did with not knowing how to share your faith with others just trust God and know Hes always with you He loves you and He will never leave you nor forsake you He will fill your mouth with His word just step out in faith and watch Him work in your life it will amaize you the work He will do in and through you if you will just trust Him and allow Him to work through you.

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